Nat Thomas is a graphic designer, illustrator, and animation designer based in Kingston, New York.
They graduated from the Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts at Washington University in St. Louis with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Communication Design in 2021. Since June of 2021, they have worked as a Designer for Franklyn.
Their piece “The Devil’s Rube Goldberg Machine” was selected for the Society of Illustrators 64th Annual Show. Their book “My Queerness is Autistic” was awarded an Award of Excellence in the 2022 Communication Arts Typography Annual. Additionally, they were awarded the Al Parker Award for Excellence in Illustration by Washington University in St. Louis in 2021.
Nat has worked as a Designer for Franklyn since June of 2021, working on identity design, brand illustration, and animation. They also do freelance commission work in both graphic design and illustration.
In their spare time they love reading novels and watching horror films.
They can be reached for commission or contract design and illustration work at natthomasdesign@gmail.com
Resume available upon request.